Saturday, June 5, 2010


So like most of you, finals and other things have gotten in the way.

Let me update you on why you have one less friend on facebook.

I had to make the decision of letting Raleigh go. It was painful. I cried, then I cried some more. Then I made Amber go with me to meet the family I was giving him to, and after meeting them, I knew he was going to be in a great home. Without Callie, Kyle and Lisa (and Mark) to help me take Raleigh out when I am not home, he did not get the attention or the exercise a pre-teen dog needs.

He now gets to sleep in the bed of an 11-year-old girl, and have a yard & a dog door.

I am still pretty emotional about it. There is a westie on the side of the treats we now only give to Taco, secreting that oh so painful feeling when you find out in middle school that a boy doesn't like you.

I will forever remember Raleigh sleeping in the chaise,
Constantly trying to trip me/everybody,
Licking the crumbs off the kitchen floor,
And more importantly,
Eating his poop off the balcony.

He was a sweet doogal.

For Raleigh, this is my shout out:

I miss that poofball.

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