Sunday, April 18, 2010


Because I couldn't get the taxidermied? taxidermed? taxidermy-ed lion to put up and nobody would give me $10,000, Mark and I found this bad boy at Goodwill. While we were looking at the picture this old Jewish man came up to us and was asking us why we would ever want to put it up in our house?

Well, My response was "its just so fabulous and silly."

He replied with "it makes it even sillier when those men have been in control of your land for thousands of years."

Oh, you crazy old jews.

But, we were probably going to put up this picture below it, (or something like this picture)

 a falcon punch
and then always have punch below it.

But this, is all Mark's ideas. However, I will be making the Falcon Punch and with my recent birthday gifts, it will probably take three days before we run out of ingredients for falcon punch.

Oh, and I got this awesome disco silver fur blanket!! I can't wait to move into this house. Falcon punch and disco blankets. And a huge handle of vodka. 10 days and counting...

UPDATE: I just got on target's clearance section and the fur blanket dropped from $13 to $9. So, I am now fighting Target customer service for $4.  I better win because the first lady told me it is "Sunday's" price. I bought the item at 11:38pm, so 22 mins costs $4.

Also, they have the worst waiting music in the world. I am making Mark suffer through it with me because I couldn't do it alone.

UPDATE #2: Target will be refunding me $3.92. Now I can buy almost 4 things from the dollar menu!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

So, I recently got a hair cut. It was the worst experience I have ever had involving hair which includes but is not limited to getting dreadlocks from 7-year-olds.

I am very "liberal" when it comes to hair. Mostly, I know it grows back and is not that big of a deal to me. However, I told this woman I wanted a bob. For a haircut that has been around since 1920, HOW COULD SOMEBODY SCREW UP A BOB?!

Anyway, I told her I wanted my hair razored so the layers blended better together.

So, she proceeds to ask me if I want the left side of my head around the ear area SHAVED. At no point did I ask to have parts of my hair cut to include bald spots.

But, needless to say, I complained and I got my hair fixed. Plus, I didn't have to pay. Win-win-win-plus the knowledge to never go to Visible Changes for a hair cut EVER again.

Speaking of bad hair cuts, Raleigh had to get his hair trimmed since he is currently living on Mark's family's ranch so Taco doesn't get picked up by owls, falcons or eagles. 

He looks like a chupacabra. Mark's mom sent this picture and in the tag line it said "don't show Brittany, she's not going to like it."

Also, Raleigh has officially gone through a name change. Before he left, he was peeing on the floor, on the pillows, on Callie and we have discovered he was peeing in a jealous rage. So, his new name is Paco. So Mark and I can yell both dog's names and they both feel equal attention.

The stuffed-lion people messaged me back, they said if I would only go up to $8999, they would sell it. I told them I could put a down payment of $100 on, and they could trust me that I am good for it. I tried to persuade them of my good Russian nature. Nope.

I am going to dedicate this time to a life update for those of you who don't live in my apartment with me,
I have discovered the perfect job for me and it is:

To work for HGTV and do all the craigslist shopping for their shows.

It isn't as easy as you think it is.

SUMMER NEWS: mark will be getting him and I Schillterbahn season passes, so YOU should get one to.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Raptor Jesus

Yesterday, Mark and I went to pick up our gigantic new couch that I found on craigslist.

We were talking about decorations we would want in our house (we move in May 1, so be prepared for a house warming party that is pending).

We both decided we wanted a taxidermy-ed something. I said I wanted a jackalope. Mark said he wanted a giant boar (or something like that). So I got back on craigslist to continue my addiction.

Oh, I got a free rug tuesday from craigslist, it is awesome and blue and from ikea.

Anyway, I found this spectacular specimen: